Welcome to the REIJunction.com Community Rules & Regulations

At REIJunction.com, our mission is to foster a vibrant and collaborative real estate community where both experts and newcomers can thrive. Our discussion forums, marketplace, and social network are dedicated spaces for sharing knowledge, experiences, and opportunities in real estate. By participating in REIJunction.com's forums, marketplace, and social networks, you agree to follow the community rules and regulations outlined below. These rules also align with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules, as they are crucial for maintaining a friendly and enjoyable community environment.

If you encounter a post or activity that violates these rules, please bring it to our attention at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. While REIJunction.com endeavors to review all reports of misuse, we reserve the right to take any action or no action in response to such reports.

I. Forum and Blog Posting Regulations
A. No Pornographic or Sexual Material:
  • All discussions and content must be respectful and professional. Sexually explicit content and links to such content are strictly prohibited.

B. No Profanity or Discriminatory Language:
  • Use language that is inclusive and respectful. Profanity and discriminatory language are not allowed in titles, posts, comments, or anywhere on REIJunction.com.

C. No Sharing of Contact Information in Forums:
  • To protect privacy, do not post or share personal contact information in the forums. This includes email addresses, phone numbers, and social media handles. If you wish to share contact details, please use your profile's designated area.

D. Personal and Attention-Seeking Posts:
  • For personal discussions or messages directed to specific individuals, use private messaging, chat, or email. Public posts seeking personal attention are not appropriate.

E. No Impersonation:
  • Impersonating other members, moderators, administrators, or posting on behalf of others is prohibited. Authenticity is key in our community.

F. Disclosure of Affiliations:
  • If discussing a company, website, or service you're affiliated with, disclose this relationship transparently in your post.

G. One Account Per User:
  • Each member should have only one account. Multiple accounts per individual are not allowed.

H. Respectful Interaction:
  • Engage respectfully with others. Do not post material that is false, defamatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, or in violation of any law.

I. No Flaming or Trolling:
  • Maintain a constructive and respectful tone. Do not post inflammatory, off-topic, or provocative content.

J. Equality Among Members:
  • Treat all members equally, regardless of their role or status within the community.

K. Respect REIJunction.com Employees:
  • Follow the guidance of REIJunction.com staff and address any disagreements privately and respectfully.

L. No Email Harvesting:
  • Harvesting email addresses from our site for any purpose is strictly prohibited.

M. Private Message Etiquette:
  • Use private messaging responsibly. Spamming, advertising, or sending unsolicited messages is not allowed.

N. No Poaching or Polling:
  • Diverting members to other platforms or gathering information for external use is not permitted.

O. No Affiliate Marketing:
  • Affiliate marketing, including posting affiliate links or codes, is not allowed on REIJunction.com, whether in forums, messages, signatures, blogs, or comments.

P. Stay On-Topic:
  • Ensure your posts are relevant to the forum topic. Create a new topic for discussions that diverge significantly from the original subject.

Q. No Religious or Political Postings:
  • To maintain focus on real estate, avoid religious or political statements and discussions.

R. No Thread Killing:
  • If you wish to retract a post, contact an administrator rather than disrupting the thread's flow.

S. No Spamming:
  • Avoid initiating threads or posts that contribute nothing meaningful. This includes off-topic messages, repetitive content, and unauthorized promotion.

T. Restrictions on Advertisements and Solicitations:
  • Advertisements, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, and unauthorized property promotions, are not allowed outside the Classifieds Forum.

U. Advertising Guidelines:
  • Promotional content is restricted to the Classifieds Forum. Avoid unsolicited promotions in other forums or through private messages.

II. Member User Names, Signatures, Avatars, and Profile Information
A. Profile Name Requirements:
  • Use your real name as your profile name. Pseudonyms or inappropriate references are not permitted.

B. Avatars and Profile Images:
  • Avatars should reflect professionalism and respect. Avoid promotional content, copyrighted images, or inappropriate material in your avatars.

C. Forum Signatures:
  • Keep your signatures professional and non-promotional. Avoid excessive links, pricing, or sales details.

III. Link Modification by Administrators
  • REIJunction.com administrators may modify links within forums for various purposes, including referral tracking.

IV. Forum Voting
  • Our voting system recognizes valuable community contributions. Misuse of this system is not permitted.

V. Use of Official Private Messaging System
  • The private messaging system is monitored for abuse. Misuse may result in account removal.

VI. Content Removal, Account Suspension, and Termination
  • REIJunction.com reserves the right to remove content or restrict access for rule violations or other reasons at its discretion.

VII. Dynamic Community Guidelines
  • REIJunction.com may update these rules to reflect the evolving needs of our community.

By joining and participating in REIJunction.com, you agree to adhere to these guidelines, fostering a positive and growth-oriented environment for all members.

[Last Updated: 01/14/2024]